General News

Maths Week

The fun continues with ‘Maths Week’! 🧮

‘Maths Week’ is part of a National Festival organised by Maths Week England, and our pupils are enjoying being a part of the largest Maths Festival in the world! This year’s theme is ‘Three is a Magic Number’, and each days’

Year 2 kicked off the week with a fun challenge! They had to cut out 16 triangles to create a reverse rep-tile, the children explored rotation and reflection, as well as using spatial skills. We then used them to make a giant rep-tile!

Year 4 have been getting stuck-in to come tricky challenges to celebrate the week. Mrs Wyatt bought the children a (magnetised) dartboard with which they used their maths skills to work out the scores which involved using addition, subtraction, doubling and tripling skills.

Meanwhile in Year 2, the children have been learning to apply counting in tens to recall their ten times table facts as “quick as a click!”

And lots more maths besides!


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