General News

Neil Griffiths Workshop

What an afternoon!

Years 1, 2 3 and 4 all had the pleasure of meeting children’s author, Neil Griffiths!

They had a fantastic time hearing all about his books, especially the first book he ever wrote – ‘Itchy Bear’. The pupils had the chance to bring the books to life, a highlight being Year 3 and 4’s rendition of ‘The Journey’, which is all about a sailing boat’s adventures!

Everyone had great fun taking part in different activities and now have the chance to purchase one of the 40 titles he has written.

Neil also gave a staff training session, and a workshop for parents, which focused on the importance of a child-centered approach when teaching.

Thank you, Neil, for taking the time to visit us, and thank you to our pupils for being so well-behaved and displaying our Old Hall spirit!


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